T5180车载探照灯 LED智能遥控探照灯 抢险救灾应急探照灯

    T5180车载探照灯 LED智能遥控探照灯 抢险救灾应急探照灯

  • 1170
  • 产品价格:350.00 元/套
  • 发货地址:江苏常州 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:1000.00 套产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:178969966公司编号:22151658
  • 刘工 经理 微信 15261135267
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询 QQ咨询 在线询价



适用范围 Application


Suitable for all kinds of aerial work, such as the surface of the workplace and the wilderness for all-round, multi-angle, long-range search, rescue and homework, search, track and construction, lighting needs.



◆照明亮度高,聚光效果好,照射距离可达 1500 米。能达到冷热瞬间启动点亮。

◆ High lighting intensity , the focusing effect is good, irradiation distance of up to 1500 meters. Can achieve cold hot instant on light.

 可直接使用自备电源照明,也可利用汽车( 12V )或船舶( 24V )电源长时间照明;,该灯设有过放保护电压点,可有效保护因过放电而损坏汽车电池。

◆Can be directly use energent power lighting, also can use a car (12 v) or shipping (24 v) power supply lighting for a long time , the light has put protection point voltage, which can effectively protect because of damage to the car battery discharge.

 能根据工作现场的照明需要上下、左右自由调节旋转角度,左右旋转可大于 360 度,快速实现*、多角度照明的需要。

◆Can work according to the scene of the lighting need to up and down, left and right sides is free to adjust rotation Angle, left and right rotation can be greater than 360 degrees, fast realize all-round, multi-angle lighting needs.


◆Lamps and lanterns of chassis is equipped with strong magnet absorption, can be suction operators in the automotive, Marine mobile lighting lamps and lanterns, imported bulletproof plastic shell can withstand strong shock, resistance to high pressure water gun direct and strong waves.


◆Equipped with a wireless remote control, can be in 100 meters within the scope of control Angle rotation and irradiation.


技术参数Product Data: 

额定电压:12-24V                 Rated Voltage:12-24V

   源:LED                 Lighting Source:LED

   率:50W                 Rated Power:50W

光通量:4200lm                luminous flux:4200lm

  温:6000K                Color temperature:6000k

平均使用寿命:5000h           Service life:5000h

有效照明距离:500m             Effective lighting distance :500m

旋转角度:上下旋转:120°  左右旋转:360°

Rotation Angle:  up and down around 120 ° Left and right around: 360 °

遥控距离:100m                  Remote control distance: 100 m

外形尺寸:180*180*230(长*宽*高)  Dimensions:180×18230mm(length*width*height)

    量:4kg                  weight:4kg

防护等级:IP65                  enclosure:IP65

防腐等级:WF2                   Anti-corrosion class :WF2

欢迎来到江苏亮聚福照明科技有限公司网站,我公司位于风景名胜、历史古迹较多,有着3200多年左右历史的文化古城—常州市。 具体地址是江苏常州戚墅堰工业区,负责人是王红丽。
联系电话是86-0519-88297110-, 主要经营防爆格栅灯、LED防爆灯、移动照明车、便携式移动照明灯。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。

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